March 23, 2022

How to protect your business from security breaches/attacks?

How to protect your business from security breaches/attacks?

Security breaches are a nasty threat to businesses. Your business is vulnerable to cyber attacks irrespective of its size. Your business data is your prized possession, and if that is stolen, your business stands at a life-threatening risk. A statistical study assessed the  cost of a data breach in the year 2020. It was revealed that an average of 3.86 million USD worth of damage was done. And, the recovery period was around 280 days.

Over the years, statistics have found, small businesses are at greater risk of cyber-attacks. The only reason behind this is that newer businesses do not have enough revenue to be able to afford good security. However, with the technological advancements, basic data security with different schemes can be availed at affordable prices. It is a must for any business, big or small, old or new.

Now that we are clear with that, let us dive into the ways in which you can protect your business from security breaches and cyber attacks.

1. Prohibit unnecessary access to core data:

Prohibit unnecessary access to core data

This is a necessary step for all and any business. Not all employees need to be able to access the core data of the organization. This reduces the chances of data phishing, unwanted removal of critical data or an accidental click on a virus-link. 

That data that is accessible to different levels of employees must be segregated from one another and all entries must be identifiably recorded in order to avoid any misunderstanding. The core data of the enterprise must be accessible only by the governing or founding members.

2. Keep all the software up-to-date:

Keep all the software up-to-date:

There are many enterprises that use outdated operating systems and other business softwares. This is extremely dangerous because old softwares is not designed to defend against the modern threats. 

Make sure each and every computing device in your enterprise has the latest software and the security signatures. This is not a step to secure your company data completely but to provide a better shot at improved security and efficient data recovery.

3. Host data security sessions for employees:

Host data security sessions for employees

Employees of an enterprise might or might not be aware of the cruciality of security in business. It is the responsibility of the organization to provide them with the basic and necessary information about data security. 

It must be made clear to the employees that every action they take, makes them responsible for it. So there should be absolute thoroughness when it comes to taking crucial decisions made by the employees. 

To make things easier for the employees, an enterprise must schedule weekly or monthly sessions to spread data security awareness and host discussion panels on cyber attacks and how to prevent them. Awareness can also be spread by web content like posts, blogs and articles.

Additionally, you can provide passwords that are not easy to decipher. Ask anyone who is responsible for setting passwords to files and sites to make them complicated using all sorts of alpha-numeric characters. This will provide an additional layer of security to your enterprise.

4. Subscribe to a cyber security service:

Subscribe to a cyber security service

After your enterprise has made sure to perform the steps mentioned above, you need to avail a cyber security plan for your business. There are numerous threats lurking, like DDoS attacks that can topple your business upside-down. Zajil provides DDoS security services which are equipped with the latest mechanisms to protect your business.

By availing a cyber security service plan, you will be able to prevent these attacks and recover the core data of your business quickly. There are different types of plans that come at different prices. Make sure you go through all the available plans and choose the best for your type of business.

5. Third-party workers’ actions must be accounted for in detail:

Third-party workers' actions must be accounted for in detail

Every enterprise relies on several third-party service providers for a variety of tasks. It may be IT-related fixations or office supplies and so on. So apart from the employees, if there is anyone else that has a regular visit in the office premises, all of their actions must be accounted for. 

Whatever they are fixing and whatever changes they are making must be transparent to the enterprise and the CEO. This greatly reduces the risk of some stranger taking advantage of your entripese’s issues.

Any business is not set up overnight, we put our blood and tears in order to make a difference. And to protect it at all cost is also our responsibility. Make sure your enterprise follows the mentioned steps to keep all cyber attacks & security breaches at bay.

You can check out Zajil’s extensive range of cyber security services to discover how you can protect your business from all types of cyber attacks.

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